Case Study: IBIS Wheelchair to Car Access for Grey Nomads

Meet John and Margaret, a retired couple in their late 60s, who have always had a passion for travel and adventure. They epitomise the spirit of Grey Nomads – those adventurous retirees who take to the road to explore the vast landscapes of Australia. However, their dreams were nearly derailed when John experienced a significant reduction in mobility due to arthritis. Their story is a testament to how the IBIS Wheelchair to Car Access has not only enabled them to continue with their travels but also transformed their quality of life.

The Challenge

John’s arthritis made getting in and out of their car daunting and uncomfortable. This physical barrier posed a significant threat to their travel plans. They needed a solution that would allow John to safely and comfortably access their car, without relying heavily on Margaret for assistance. They feared that without a viable solution, their road trips would come to an end.

Discovering the IBIS Wheelchair to Car Access

Upon researching various mobility aids, John and Margaret discovered the IBIS by Para Mobility. This device promised a safe, effortless, and dignified way for John to transfer from his wheelchair to the car. They were intrigued by the features including its electric lift system, lightweight and portable design, and user-friendly operation. The price was also more affordable than custom wheelchair accessible vehicles and other accessible technology devices on the market.

The IBIS Wheelchair to Car Access has been nothing short of a miracle for us. It’s given John his confidence back and taken a huge load off my shoulders. We can now travel without the constant worry of how John will manage getting in and out of our car. Our adventures are no longer restricted, and we’re making the most of our retirement years.”


John and Margaret quickly learnt how to operate the IBIS Wheelchair to Car Access device. The setup process was straightforward, and soon they were ready to put it to the test. The ease of use was immediately apparent. With the press of a button, the hoist gently and securely lifted John from his wheelchair into the car seat. Margaret no longer had to struggle helping him manually maneuver in, and John felt a renewed sense of independence.

The Difference

The IBIS made an immediate and profound difference in John and Margaret’s lives. Instantly their world opened up and they were able to explore new destinations and revisit old favorites. The car access hoist not only provided practical assistance but also brought back their joy and spontaneity of travel.

One memorable trip took them to the Great Ocean Road, a journey they had long dreamed of but previously found daunting due to accessibility concerns. The IBIS access hoist handled the varied stops with ease, allowing John to comfortably disembark and reboard their vehicle at scenic lookouts, quaint towns, and beautiful beaches.

“I feel independent again. The hoist is so smooth and easy to use. It’s given me the freedom to enjoy our trips without feeling like a burden. We’ve visited places I thought I’d never see again.”

The IBIS Car Access Hoist has truly been a life-changing innovation for John and Margaret. It’s a shining example of how the right mobility solution can open up new possibilities and bring immense joy and freedom to individuals with mobility challenges. For Grey Nomads like John and Margaret, the road ahead is once again filled with endless adventures, all thanks to the IBIS.

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